Saturday, July 19

"Meditation is too complicated..."

I am sure you think similar to most of people who haven't already tried meditation. It's too complicated, maybe it's not for me, I don't know how to start and what to do... 

Take it easy:)
Shortly you will reach point 10 of Back to basics weekend, the final one. 

You posses great inner powers. Meditations is like a key that unlocks closed door. It is simply making a choice to focus your mind on something. You can meditate by creating special time to think in positive way about important things in your life.
In all areas- physical, mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual- meditation has the potential to help you create a better life.

Why do meditate?

  1. To better health- calm breath can lower your blood pressure, slow your heart rate makes you relaxed.
  2. To be more aware of your body and mind- discover the synergic system you are.
  3. To balance your emotions- create mental peace and transform negative emotions into positive ones.
  4. To heal psychological problems such as addictions, unresolved grief or trauma.
  5. To contemplate the mysteries of life- understand your destiny.

How to start?

  1. Stay open minded.
  2. Be prepared for a change.
  3. Try to find time for meditation once a day, every day.
  4. The changes, realizations and benefits of meditation accumulate over time.
I know, waiting is not the nicest thing in the world, but time goes by anyway... Why not try?

There are some topics you might find helpful to start your own meditation:
Calming down.
Healing body, mind and spirit.
Manifesting your dreams.
Living mindfully.
Connecting to your inner imperative.
Love and passion.
Everyday problems.

So, what am I doing tonight before sleep?

When in bed, choose on of the main topic that you want to meditate. Ask yourself a question what do you want to achieve- answer, help or maybe some kind of emotions. Then breath in and out deeply. Close your eyes and stay focused on that question. Think of nothing else but your question/ problem/ dream and let your spirit work... Go sleep and tomorrow wake up with brighter mind and more energy. You can add some candles, incense sticks, calming music... Up to you. Always remember to make your time really yours!


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