Who I was?
I used to be a smoker. The smoker with asthma and 50 kilograms/ 8stones of the excessive weight. That sounds bad. I had a pain in my knees. My personality was literally crushed by my body. Fat, unhappy body. Spirit? What spirit, I had no spirit. No strong strong will, no weak strong will. Nothing. Smiling face almost always but that was only the FACE, not smiling Kasia.Since I remember I had problem with carrying "too many kilos". By my family called "she will grow out of this"; by children in school "she is fat"; by my GP "overweight". Wrrr, not nice. Up to my 23rd birthday. Later was even worse. I gained another kilograms and reached that terrible point when you are becoming square- cm/inches in my hips vs. my height...LOL. But I still was pretending that all is fine. I accept myself, yeah, that's fantastic situation, nothing really happens. I am big, this is my right to be big. I am afraid of sitting on a chair, beacuse I don't know what weight it is able to hold...But who cares? I am big. MY CHOICE. hmm.
In 2011 happened something that changed my point of view. I stopped pretending that this is ok. I stopped pretending that all those hard words from my family and strangers' comments are not touching me. They touched my and changed me. For good.
In April 2011 I had very important final presentation. I really didn't want to dissapoint my group, I prepared well. I was happy, full of optimism and good vibes. The night before, when I finished the last try of the presentation I went to bathroom. When I was stepping out my left leg slipped on a wet floor and I fell down. I sprained my knee. x%$#x* That was terrible pain. I couldn't go for presentation, I had to visit my GP, later hospital...
Thoughts in my head- I am super big, maybe I should change something? My knees are overloaded, next time maybe the last time.
April, May, June, July... Nothing happens. Oh no, happens. I am getting bigger and bigger. I love sweets, chocolate loves me- how can I say no?!
August in 2011 was a month of changes. In the first week on Aug I had a breathtaking situation- Kasia on sofa, nice afternoon after a hard day and a heavy meal. Suddenly- I CAN'T BREATH. Where's my inhaler? Heeeelp...
A few days after I quit smoking. For good. That was on the 16th of Aug. On the 17th I decided to permanently reduce weight to the healthy one. Had no idea how but my inner imperative told me "THIS IS YOUR LAST CHANCE, Kasia"...Who knows what will happen tomorrow?
Who I am?
I am Kasia. I am happy. I am full of the positive attitudes towards my body, my family, people, world, life, universe. I have clear mind, honest heart and more energy than I've ever had. I was born once again on the 17th of Aug in 2011. That was one of the most important decisions in my entire life. One of the best decisions in my life. The decision that has become revolutionary one. I have created myself from the scratch.
I lost 50kg/ 8 stones. I have never liked running...Now I am a runner. My dreams become true.
For the first time I am proud of my body.
I am proud of my weight loss and my journey.
I am proud because I did it with no cheating.
I am proud because every woman, man and child, every human being has a right to be proud! I understood I don't need a third- party permisson to be happy, satisfied and successful in whatever I am doing.
I am creator...
Who I will be?
I have no idea.
Frankly, I just hope I won't become someone who I don't want to be. I still want to have that fantastic feeling of proud deep inside me, experience the beauty of life, world and the universe.
I don't know you but I ♥ you. Thanks for reading my words. Just don't forget to come back for more.
All the best,
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