Thursday, July 24

The 4th truth about Kasia. The kitchen accountant.

As you already know I am very enthusiastic when talking about the healthy eating habits and leading active lifetsyle. You also know I lost 50 kilograms/ 8 stones and haven't experienced the jojo effect. Yes, this is true! And I know, that you are asking yourself one simple question- "How did she do it?!"

I don't trust "meal replacement products".
Word "diet" makes me sick.
Magic pills, tablets, strange dietetary products, crazy point systems, redy shitty meals packed as "light option"....I could write and write, and write. Many market segments, not too much time to talk about them.

In my opinion "keep it simple method" works best. As you know, I have always had problem with my weight, I had terrible eating habits and lack of physical activity. In short- the best way to gain excessive kilograms and become obese person. And yes- it worked! Not a surprise.

I tried many times to lose weight, trying to increase my activity, skipping meals, buying lighter options of the same unhealthy products...No results.

In 2011 I had no choice but start to think rationally. In my head there was only one question- how to permanently reduce my body weight?

Some facts

If you eat more than you really need, probably you gain kilograms faster than you are able to run.
Portion size really matters. Smaller plate= smaller portion.
Honestly- don't pretend you have a scanner in your eyes and you don't have to use a kitchen scale to check exact weight of your portion & all ingredients. Because YOU HAVE TO!
Choosing unhealthy products in shop makes you eating them at home.
Waiting for "the right time"( tomorrow, next week, Monday, a new month, new year...) to start a diet, bah, change eating habits...Tomorrow- the mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation, and achievement is stored...

What you REALLY have to do?

Be honest with yourself. You can pretend, lie to other people, but when you look at your face/ body in the mirror you are on your own with the biggest friend and the strangest enemy of yourself at the same time. It is only up to you who do you choose to deal with...
I prefer love over fight, my choice was obvious- I am friend of myself. However every motivation is good, as long as leads you in the right direction:)

Become the kitchen accountant- I know, sounds funny, but isn't the life the funny thing? Why should we be serious all the time? Weight loss process is very hard, painful and requires your FULL commitment. Full. Make it easier wherever possible, just BTW.
Why the kitchen accountant? Because you start counting. Daily calories and fat intake, portion size, calories burnt during your physical activity. You are counting every single thing that lands on your fork, plate, spoon and then in your mouth. No excuses. If you want to achieve your dream, there is no shortcut. Use a kitchen scale and bathroom one. Write down your results. Sytematically. Set a healthy calories in take level. When you start it will be lower than the targeted, final one.
I started with max 1500 kcal per day and not more than 50 grams of fat daily. Plus exercises on a daily basis. 3 main meals during a day and 2 x healthy snacks. Freshly made juices, cooking from the scratch, "healthy plate" composition...

It is possible when you start your planning with the day of shopping day. Your shopping list, your choices in the shop, your fridge and cupboard, eventually way of preparing meals, portion size and way of eating. Your strong will, from day to day stronger and stronger...

This is simple and effective method of weight loss. This is one real, for good and lifetime way to say GOODBYE FATTER ME! It fails only when you fail. You are responsible, more commitment you put in better the results will appear soon. 

Final word

Try to understand that the best choice you can make is to back to basics in your life. I mean eating habits etc. Fresh, raw vegetables and fruits, light, lean meat, low-fat dairy, brown instead white...Simple tips how to eat healhty, how to pay LESS for your grocery shopping and enjoy great inner energy, well- wokring digestive system, nature while outside and being HAPPY with yourself... I also know sometimes it is not easy to start that journey, I am here to help you. I have experience in that figth and trust me- there is no emotion, feeling, state of mind I'd be surprised with. 

Good luck. And always put your health on the first place.

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