"Words are very unnecessary..."
Enjoy the silence. How? What for? Why should I? Is it possible to enjoy the SILENCE in our busy lifestyle? No way...
Yes, yes, yes it is possible.
si·lence noun \ˈsī-lən(t)s\
: a lack of sound or noise: a situation, state, or period of time in which people do not talk
: a situation or state in which someone does not talk about or answer questions about something
It may takes 3 minutes or 1hour. Up to you. Stop worrying, analysing, "scanning" people and situations...
Think one more time about our today's affirmation. Repeat it in your mind or speak loudly. Do this several time, one by one. Focus on the words.
Yes, you are BEAUTIFUL.
Yes, you are INTELLIGENT.
Now you are in touch with your real emotions. You are not pretending, you are not telling lies. You are you, one of kind, fantastic person.
Pick your priorities for the rest of a day. Remember to eat light, healthy meal and share your positive vibes with other people.
Go to point 4 of the Back to basics weekend:
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