Sunday, February 22

Facts and reality vs. comfort zone

Hello there!

So long since my last post. I know. But the whole time was super crazy (and really painful, too). Let's start with begining.
As totally lost young [30 this year] adult (young? really Kasia?!) I have blank space in my head in a place where should be all the goals for a future, a career path and these things that adults usually have planned, such as family, mortgage, marriage, children and slow death... ooops, black humour;)
Ok, I don't have any of above. I am stuck somewhere between my 18s birthday and the final year of education on univeristy...
Fact- in 2012 I graduated from LYIT in Business Studies- International Business and Languages. Reality- this is not MY thing, I don't feel it. It doesn't excist for me.
Fact- before I came to Ireland I had opportunity to work with children and I really liked it!
Reality- since last year I am developing my skills in Early Childhood Care and Education sector. I feel this type of work will give me much more satisfaction and simple happiness than marketing and branding...
Fact- I am totally obsessed with my healthy lifestyle, wholesome eating habits and very active days.
Reality- for almost 3 months I am not able to live my way anymore :( The worst possible scenario has come into life- decreased physcial activity, sedentary day routine, change in my eating times + unexpected health issues, all of these result in very bad frame of mind, low energy, lack of vital powers and quite negative attitude towards everything. This is reality.
In the end of January I experienced inflammation around my wisdom tooth- &^^!#$@!!!!. Very painful. After 5-day long meds course (antibiotics + anti inflammatory pills) I felt better for 3 days and suddenly, once again... Bacterial infection in my jaw. Even worse pain mixed with fever, sore in a whole body. I was unable to get up from my bed, only one safe and comfortable place on Earth.
To stop infection my dentist prescribed me super strong and terribly awful med- kind of
chemotherapeutic. My body said NO MORE! Many side effects, bad general conditions. Positive outcome- infection stopped, all is fine. But now I have a problem with my leg- inflammation in my vein :( As a result of using the med. Oh.
Why I am writting about all these things? Because they lead to my current not- too- nice situation.
Fact- it loks like I have gained up to 2 kg on weight.
Reality- I really don't see it, neither feel it, but I guess my scale doesn't lie;)
Fact- my general body condition has decreased. I have to build it once again, to reach a point I was in autumn last year.
Fact- my body's immunity has also decreased.
Reality- skin, nails and digestive system in worse form than usually...

I could write and write, never ending story.
But I rather prefer to focus on what I already have and on my plans how to move forward and get back on track.
Tomorrow is a day of CHANGE. Big changes starting with my early wake up, breakfast, coffee and lunch breakes, dinner at home and everyday physical activity.
First of all I have to reduce daily calorie and fat intake to the level I used to have during the first phase of my massive weight loss in 2011/2012. As follow- 1500 kcal and max 60 grams of fat / daily.
Instead of sitting and eating during a lunch break- 30 minutes long brisky walk.
No more shitty cookies, chocolate, sugary "coffee" drinks etc...
And more physical activity during a week after long work day. Not only in the weekends.
That's my plan, super simple, realistic, achievable and adjusted to my personal needs and abilities.

Starting with tomorrow I am going to write some, even short feedback  every evening. Or record some short video.  Just to give you some idea how I am leaving my comfort zone and getting back on track.
I know I can do it. Just step by step. With smile on my face. And positive attitude in my heart.
Holistic approach.
Are you with me?
Challange yourself. When we do it together it will be much easier.
Don't let me down.
Best of luck and I need your support, too.

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