Sunday, September 21

The wholesome life- challenge plan by Katarzyna Kurzeja

With this specially prepared Wholesome life- challenge plan you will pass every single stage of a very hard process of life changing. It is based on my own experiences and created to help people to understand the importance of a change in life.

The wholesome life- challenge plan contains 8 major steps and covers the whole process, starting with recognition of problem and ending with stabilization & maintenance. It can be used in an every life situation. Its holisitc approach is universal enough to help you define your problem and work on it on each of the three fields- mind, body and spirit. At the same time the plan is unique to every single person, beacuse it respects individual needs and wants.

1. Recognition- at this stage you have already done one of the hardest part of a healthier life challenge. The very first step toward a change, a clearer mind and more positive attitude.

2. Awareness of the problem- discovering a main reason of your interest in change. There is a right time to discuss what a real problem is:

- to define it;
- to name it in a simple and understandable way;
- to explain why it is not safe to change nothing;
- to present the benefits of a change in the 3 dimensions (health, body, mind) and in the 3 different timeframes (now, a mid-term, a long- term)

3. Acceptance of the current situation- what is done now will give you a satisfaction in a near future and during a rest of your life. Accepting the current situation (where I start, what is my destination point, my goals, wants & dreams) is nothing else than showing a readiness to change all those negative things and habits in your life. The change is a key word.

4. Finding the best solution- every man is a different person and has totally different needs & wants. This also concerns the body’s needs and a way of responding for any changes (related with a food, a level of activity etc.). There is no one magical way to reduce the body weight, to find inner happiness or start thinking positively. I strongly believe the best method to achieve a dream silhouette, a happy mind and a good health is to follow what mother Earth has to offer and get what we want & need for it in reasonable quantity.

Each Wholesome life- challenge plan is specifically created for every single person, taking into account the individual wants, needs, preferences, expectations, abilities and a level of motivation.

5. Enforcement- a very crucial stage during the whole process. A full cooperation and a commitment needed. Usually people are not open for any changes, especially when a situation requires leaving a personal comfort zone. It takes time to convince someone to the new rules and a way of acting. You will experience tough time in the life. A support and help are important to ensure every person, that the set goals are achievable and the chosen way is absolutely correct.

- pointing even the smallest success;
- ensuring in every next step;
- answering all new questions appearing while preparing for a change; trying to dispel all doubts and lack of confidence

6. Change- at this stage you're acting according to an individually prepared rules & plan.

7. Acceptance of the new situation- at this stage you'res getting to feel more and more confident about a new lifestyle and the rules that have to be followed on day to day basis. At the same time the you must to decide whether all those changes are fixed and for the rest of a life or the main purpose to try them was just temporary curiosity.

8. Stabilization and maintenance- this is the final stage of the plan. Every person who reaches that stage has started a brand new part of life. All things you have learnt are working for your success now.

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