Sunday, March 1

Work it out! My gym accessories

Hi people!

I hope you are still super motivated to achieve your personal goals.
Today I am going to briefly discuss what may be helpful to include in your home gym. There are, let's call them, all small accessories you really need in order to be able to do some valuable and effective workout at home.

My training plan is as follows:

3 x cardio (very brisky walk/ run/ cycling, skipping/ swimming) using machines or if possible- outdoor
2 x exercise programme with gym ball, dumbbells, resistance band etc
1 x cross training

Every piece of weekly workout is at least 45 minutes long, but usually more than 60 minutes (it depends on my mood and abilities).

What I usually use to (try) shape my body? I exercise systematically and do all these generally mega boring but effective repeats. Read more here about "my" ex.
That's why you need exercise mat (or anything you can put under you body to protect your knees/ elbows), resistance band (different levels of resistance are great, but you still benefit from one only). Gym ball, oh, I simply love it! It's like exercising ++! Additionally, during any move on ball you have to keep a balance= you also work on your deeper muscles. Great! Dumbbells, wrist and ankles weights are fantastic to increase your strength and effort you put into your training= better results in future and more calories burnt now.
On pic below you can also see an exercise disc/ balance cushion- I use it to simply finish my workout, breathing deeply, standing still without shoes/ socks. Great, deep and relaxing, but you still have to control all your muscles:)


Obviously running (that I truly HATE), walking, skipping, dancing (Zumba my ♥), cycling and swimming... Anything that increase my pulse rate up to 130/min (fat burnign zone). No big philosophy, no miracles, no complicated enigamitc structure. Just step by step, mile by mile...
If only possible I go outdoor, if not- I stay at home and work on exercise bike/ stepper/ treadmil.

I want to write more about cross training in my next article.  So hopefully you stay with me and find out more soon.

For now I am sure I gave you some general knowldege about basic and useful accessories that you can have and work with them.

Have a great FITiesta this evening.

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