Tuesday, February 24

Long journey for super me- in progress

The real and one only diva, Whitney Houston, had great, extra motivating song. Step- by -step is all about me and I hope all about every person who seeks something in life... Because life is a constant journey, from one stop to another, from good to bad, from small to big, from love to hate, from birth to death... This is life. It is how me make it or it is how it is and we have absolutely no influence on it? Big question- small head (my head). But every morning I feel I am able to change something. Even the smallest part of the world. Yes, I can change it. I can make someone smiling. I can give a hug. I can tell my hubby that I love him, I can play with my dog and be simply relaxed. But achieving tha state of mind requires a lot of discipline, faith and work. And this is a topic of my today's post.

Whatever we decide in our life it will have an impact on us and our future. As long as I am not Robinson Crusoe living lonely on an island, I ineract with the world and other people. I have to take responsibility for my actions. Let's think about very prosaic example- how my mood can change life of someone I am meeting in a shop. I am waking up in generally bad, negative mood. Nothing works as it should, I am leaving my home and person I love with negative vibes. Then I am driving to destination point, shouting on other drivers, cursing and creating even more and more destructive energy. Finally I am reaching to the shop, entering, shopping and... shouting again on sales assistant. With no real reason. Just because I am in bad mood. I am rude, show no respect to other human being... The sales assistant, she is starrting to feel anger, she is becoming to be nervous, rising her voice tone, more and more people are affected by MY BAD MOOD.

Why? What for? Is this a butterfly effect? Do I have a right to literally destroy someone else's comfort zone, just because I am not having my own at the moment?

Think. Take your time. Close your eyes and analyse this example once again. Can you related it to your own life? How many time have you affected someone or have you beed affected by other person? Me, you, them. We create system. Social system. In a philosophical context it is social cotract, same that Jean-Jacques Rousseau was talking about.

We agree for some universal rules to become free and equal, to have same rights. I know this is very wide interpretation of Social Contract idea, however it perfectly fits to my today's considerations.

Let's back to the main topic. If we are all equal, have the same rights, so shouldn't we respect other's right to be happy and live own life? 
That has been a long process, but I have already gained that POWER, that AWARENESS- I HAVE RIGHT TO BE MYSELF AND LIVE MY OWN LIFE. At the same time I am not allowed to destroy anyone's life with my stupid comments, bulshit conversation (more about it in the future) and negative attitudes. 

I think that during such a long journey, THE LIFE, a very first thing we should do is to be busy with our own things. To constantly develop our skills, respect other. To stay focused on our stops and destination. 
Try to build positive emotion every morning, smile, say nice, warm compliments. Even if you don't feel perfect, put some effort to make your day full of good things, words and actions. Be in GOOD MOOD and make someone else feel good.

As always with love, positive energy and good thoughts.

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